Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Who is Ecaz Unlimited?

Ecaz Unlimited LLC is a small multimedia company based in Lithonia Ga. The company was created in 2009 by it's founder Edward Cazaubon. His roots are in Video Production and Photography. However,competing for clients in a multi-diverse market,they decided to add Graphic design and Print media to complement their TV. Graphics departments.

Who is Edward Cazaubon?

Edward Cazaubon was born Aug 27th 1975 on the Island of ST.Thomas in the U.S Virgin Islands. Quite and shy as a young boy, he always saught to express himself in Fine Arts early in his life. He started Technical Drafting in grade school, won a couple drafting competitions, but he got bored very quickly. He needed something more colorful, something more exciting in his life so he could have more of an impact on his surroundings. He was introduced to photography and started shooting for his high school year book club, he was terrible at taking pictures. However, through Photography he found his love for cameras, lenses, lighting etc.

After High school, He knew he had no interest in attending a typical four year college or university; He decided to go for his passion of Art and expression. The Art Institute of Atlanta was his first choice and there he exposed himself to Video production and other visual communications tools. He started out studying theory and pre-production, producing and Directing, video astethics, rules of third and Media law etc.

The first time he picked up a video camera was when he took a Videography 101 class, he failed miserably and had to take the class again. He failed because he didn't put enough into learning so he could be successful, plus the teacher for that course set high standards that were to be met in order to pass the coarse. The second time he learned his lessons and "A"ced the class and loved his success. All the equipment at the time was analog, SUPER VHS, Analog Editing machines splice and cutting.

All though he had script writing and other non technical courses, Edward always concentrated on the technical side, he always wanted to know the "know how" of lighting, sound, Camera.

In 1998, he transferred to the American Inter Continental University, changed his major from video production to media production, from an Associate degree to a Bachelor of Fine Arts. Also introducing him to new digital platforms.

He transitioned from analog to digital, learned programs for producing and manipulating content, for example Photoshop, Avid xpress Pro, After Effects and other video editing programs.

In 2003, he relocated to ST. Thomas U.S.V.I, his hometown where he was able to find his first employment  opportunity out school. He met Todd Hecht, owner and C.E.O of Hecht Communications who later on became the Sr.Video editor at the

Edward's first assignment at the Filmvi wasn't an easy one, you see before Edward, there was another Editor. David, a well respected veteran Editor, that was very good at what he did. Very creative, very organized and very fast. Non of which Edward was at the time. David was at a point in his life that was very dark and depressing. He coped with his depression by drinking alcohol until he was unconscious. It wouldn't be long, five days after Edward met David. He tragically died, he past at a trying time for the small company. Before David's death the Company was working on AT&T of the virgin Islands "Sweep" project. They started to create a 4 cell animation under the direction of the producer, Steven Blue. Now that the Head Editor died, skeptical the only thing left to do was to hand the baton to Edward so that he could take the project across the finish line.
They gave him the music and voice over, Script and treatment. He took it and ran with it and this is what happened;

He used After Effects to animate the graphics, then created morphs, he then used Avid Media composer to put it together. This what that ad looked like....

AT&T didn't like the concept of the commercial ad. So the producer and another Editor redid the whole ad which wasn't very good either.

Other than ads, Filmvi was known for good wedding videography. Todd Hecht
developed a steady moving shot which has become the signature of Filmvi's
shooting style. He later taught Edward, who added his own twist to the craft and in return taught Todd to use Avid Composer. They were a good team.
Todd was the videographer and Edward the editor. After trial errors of formats of weddings, they found something that worked very well and made a special promo for the Filmvi Wedding video and this is what it looked like.

They did hundreds of weddings. Weddings payed the bills, and gave them room to expand. Along with AT&T the V.I. Filmvi clients such as (DPNR) Department of Natural resources and (WAPA) Water and Power Authority of the virgin Islands, also needed their services to merge both resources into one. So under Producer Stephen Blue they came up with a concept of adding both clients under one umbrella.

Well another opportunity, the company shot the ad/ Psa at a private studio using a Beta cam SP which at the time was a broadcast camera of choice for professional broadcasters. The director/ producer Steven Blue, called to set up props, lighting and audio. Todd Hecht the Videographer, Stephen Blue directing/ producing another associate of Stephen Blue did the lighting. They also edited the piece on Final Cut pro. The part Edward was going to play in this Project was on set as camera assistant and sound assistant.

The project was now in post production, being edited on a unfamiliar machine by an editor that was unfamiliar with the Ceo of the Company. He was an associate of Producer Blue who was taking time in the virgin islands, trying to work in paradise. The Ceo Of didnt like company projects edited outside the company so that created conflict in the project.

The project was complete. It looked exactly how Blue wanted it to look, however there was a lot of visual noise and glitching. That was a problem, so they needed to clean up the finished product.

They knew that the original footage was flawless and clean so it must have been the transfer from analog to digital. They tried to transfer it again, but the video was still glitching. Todd thought that maybe if he had given Edward a chance to edit the project on the Avid Media Composer they would need to do a transfer. The Editor who was editing the project wasn't proficient in Avid non linear systems. Once again, they handed the baton to Edward and this is what happened.

Months went past, Todd and Edward were developing a good working relationship. Todd was begging to trust Edward as the the official editor of the However, in the larger more intricate projects produced by Stephen Blue, he always wanted to use another free-lance editor because he didn't feel Edward was up to speed. In situations like these Edward became Videographer number two and would cover areas that Todd was unable to cover. The first project they shot together would be a corporate event that was produced for the U.S Virgin Islands government. The footage was vibrant, colorful, creative and abstract. They used fish-eye lenses, some footage was shot at night, and fire torches lit several scenes. Carnival style parades, plenty of interesting angles, they did plenty speaker and vendor interviews for inserts to put between b-roll footage. The event would be a hit, a
10 minute piece was put together by Scoty the free lance editor. Everyone loved it,
Edward did too. However, as an editor he saw things he would have done differently.

As time past, Edward was completing more projects, and hitting deadlines as an editor. A corporate group with ties with the Hotel association of the Virgin Islands needed the same style video. Many media Companies put their bids in for the project but it was awarded to Filmvi.

It would be three days of shooting and on the fourth day they would present a finished video on screen at the Gala and dinner. Todd decided he would let Edward edit the piece. It wouldn't be a quick and easy edit. In fact he worked night and day taking no breaks, except for two hour naps, bathroom breaks and to eat and the fourth day this is what he came up with.

They loved it, it was a great sucess. The final product was viewed on The big Screen at the Westin St. John in front of the whole group. They took it back to the U.S on DVDs as they needed it as a document of their trip.

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